2 Tips on creating Life Balance

How do you achieve balance in your life?
Do you lie in bed on a Sunday night, dreading the week ahead?
It feels like there are so many competing priorities?
Do you get overwhelmed by all the business in your life?
The direction for your life is set by others and you are not feeling in control?
Do you feel like you are just surviving?

Are you searching for balance in your life, where you can get done what you want to get done and enjoy every moment?  Do you know what is a balanced life for you, not someone else's idea of what a balanced life looks like?  

What is Life Balance?
Well it includes these and more...
Balance is more than time management
Balance joins not separates work and life
Balance is dynamic
Balance has boundaries set by your priorities
Balance shows up as calm, see things with clarity, motivated
Balance is what works for you 

Tip One - Balance is not measured by a clock
The clock is not a good indicator of a life in balance.  When you put your life in compartments, time set for the job, time set for the family and relationships, time set for you and the belief that balance can be achieved in a systematic orderly way. It may look like you have your act together and all is in order, but remember life is always in motion and you need to adapt.

When you set your life by the clock you are setting yourself up for ripples of frustration.  Your balance is not based on the time you spent in each compartment of your life; they are achieved when you are enjoying the moment and the value it is bringing to you and to others. When you are juggling your job, others are relying on you to show up every day, when your day can go in so many different directions, assigning a percentage of your day to each "part" can pull you and put you off balance.

I struggle with the term work-life balance as if you stop one and start another, there is life in work and work in life - no need to pull them apart.

When it comes to balance I think of how the tight rope walker uses balance and how the brain and the body work together, always in motion, readjusting to what is needed but focused on taking one step at a time. 

Balance comes from being in the present moment, to be able to adapt and adjust and get back on track.

This leads to Tip Two and Balance needs a compass

The compass is a good indicator of a life in balance. To source your balance work out what really is important, what are the priorities?
This gives you direction.

Balance starts from knowing what is important to you and what you want to focus on - you have set the direction, your compass direction.  There will be urgent stuff to get done, the unexpected and that's ok, because you will readjust back to your compass direction. 

Working out your priorities is going to help with your goals and what you want to accomplish and more importantly see a shift in your life to sourcing the balance. Start small, it is better to make small adjustments over time, you are trying out what works for you.

Finding your balance comes from being honest with yourself in all areas of your life. 

For help connect with someone to help you strengthen your life balance and celebrate the minor and major wins.

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