What to do for a Half Lived Life

"For as this appalling ocean surrounds the verdant land, so in the soul of man there lies one insular Tahiti, full of peace and joy,  but encompassed by all the horrors of the half- lived life" Herman Melville (1819-891)

Wisdom of the Ages by Wayne W. Dyer is one of my favourite books, the pages are yellow, spotted and worn and so delightful to turn to any page and pay attention to what is written.  So it was this morning and the message on the half lived life written by the author of Moby Dick jumped off the pages at me.

Time to shout out #No more half lived life . 

Here are some causes and 5 remedies

There is something that you long to do, but you don't. You come up with a string of reasons why it is just not possible - so you let it get small and leave it locked away in your dreams? You shrug your shoulders and give up.

There is a fear that is holding you back, you "think" of the worst that can happen, rather than the best. Fears have a way of giving you the answers of why it is impossible and if you think it, it will be so.
You are defensive, you look away or wave your hands as to push it away.

You have made your life so busy, you haven't given yourself permission to discover what you really want to make of your life. You are stuck on the everyday roundabout and what you want to do, travel, write, sing, share, work with the poor, learn, discover is put on hold for another time.
You sigh a lot and feel jealousy and frustration more often.

If you stay on the everyday roundabout it does comes with a price and what could be more devastating than to look back on your life as one that is half lived, full of regrets because you thought it impractical or impossible.


#listen to your heart
A. Fashion your dreams into goals and into actions
B. Look for confirmation, find the people who are already doing what you want to do
C. Imagine the experience, use all your senses and see all the details of what you love doing
D. Please, Ask for help

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