4 tips to help change and turn off the autopilot

Can you believe in a future that you cannot see or experience yet?

Did you know that in one day you have over 60 000 thoughts and over 90% of those thoughts are what you thought yesterday and the day before and the day before that.... they are in your past.  You are relying on your past thoughts, habits, emotions and experiences to build your next day, your future.  That means every day you are confirming your old thoughts, habits and emotions and you will keep doing this, even when it is not working for you, anymore.

The hardwired brain follows the same comfortable and familiar pattern and due to that repetition,  your body knows how to do it and you can shut off the thinking and go on auto.

What if you decided to create new possibilities?

The hardest part about change is not making the same choices you did yesterday.

Change is a place of uncertainty
Change process requires unlearning and relearning

It is going to be uncomfortable as it will no longer be familiar
Your body will challenge you and question these changes, make you doubtful and undecided
 AND the good news is
You are more powerful than you acknowledge

When you know your thoughts, behaviours, your actions, your personal reality are not serving you well and you want to make changes, start by checking what you are thinking and challenge the autopilot.  Look to what is anchoring you to the past. Those beliefs about needing another to feel complete, not enough money, I won't get my dream job, I have never done that before...and on and on.

Past                                          Future

To cross from the past to the future
  1. Be comfortable in the unknown, get used to it, know that when it is uncomfortable then your change is happening
  2. Create your future in the unknown, unlearn the thoughts that are anchored in the past and relearn the behaviours you want to demonstrate
  3. Mentally act how you want your future to be and teach your body. Through repetition, your body will believe that it is living the new reality
  4. Cultivate the emotional state ahead of the actual experience
Meditation and visualisation are two practices to bring order and focus to your mind and to connect your intended thoughts with the emotion.  Make it your intention to set up a "time" each day for meditation and visualisation practice.   For some, we may fall over on this habit before we can get it into our everyday routine. The chatter in our minds and the pull of the external environment causes restlessness and we give up. The body wants to get the "jobs" done, to move on to the next part of our routine.

If this is you, here are some simple ways to take you to regular meditation:

One thought  

To create a new life you are objectively looking at how you think, act and feel. 
There are no excuses, no blame, no external element that you can say I do this, because...

Start with building your skill of being very familiar with your unconscious state of mind.  

Remember, we have many thoughts in our mind, going through unchecked and your brain is organised to reflect everything you know from the past. 

Try this once every day, take just one thought or  behaviour and look at it objectively and decide if it is to be a part of your future. 

Here is a scenario   

Perhaps the positive..." I like when I walk into a crowded room, I am going to meet some very interesting people" Yes, I will keep that thought, I feel energised and it feels true and I see it in every part of my life.

Or, the thought that is not serving you well, "I hate when I walk into a crowded room, I am feeling very uncomfortable."

No, that is not serving me, I want to be confident with other people and make the most of this opportunity.

You are now becoming more intention aware. 


You are continuing to build your attention skills.  At any time of the day, take one thought or one behaviour that you no longer want to be a part of your future and rehearse how you want it to play out. This is your life story, you can change the script.

You can do this when sitting down, close your eyes, reduce the external stimulus around you, play it through your mind and when you get up, you want to naturally feel different.  

When you train your brain, you train your body.  Your body may not accept it at first, you may feel doubt and challenge. Repetition, whenever and wherever will help you unlearn and relearn.

Wanting more

You are meditating because meditation means to become familiar with.  You are becoming more comfortable with your intention awareness and disconnecting from the external world.  You enjoy just being mindful of your breathing.  There is less chatter and diversions coming to you in this quiet place. You are becoming stronger in your focus and you now want to go deeper, slow the brain waves down and focus on just nothing, on healing or on your future.  

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